Regatta committee uses the Race-Sailing app for register finish of boats on location - at sea or at land. It is simple way to store series results and calculate ranking results for fleet racing using The Low Point System. Use it for fleets of sail boats, windsurfers, kite surfers, sups or radio controlled (RC) boats. Fleets are divided into classes optionally divisions and results are calculated for each class/division. Deductions are taken into account to make scoreboard.
Results for each competitor can be adjusted.
Share results by sms, email or by uploading race results to the Race-Sailing web site. Set up a smart tv or computer displaying the results on land. This way you can display results to staff, spectators and others quickly and easy and less work for racing committee staff.
Set up
Event name
Configurable classes and divisions
Competitor name and sail number/identification
Import competitor data from csv-file, from Sailwave or other list
Configurable deduction, 0 – 12 deductions, up to 40 series for each class
Possibility of moving competitors from one class or division to another during the regatta
Possibility of adding competitors during an ongoing regatta
Swipe left to register a competitor finishing place
Swipe right to un-register a competitor finishing place
Class with no finished competitors is considered not started
Non-registered competitors get DNF score
Timer for start and finish time. Finish time is set with first finished competitor.
Using The Low Point System
Calculated upon request, after each race or change
Adjust results following eye witness accounts or protests
Results by race
Results by class
Results by division
Tie scores handled by rule A8.1 secondarily rule A8.2
Send results/score board via email to others, eg. to on-land committee office
Upload and share results using Race-Sailing web site